Transcribing Manually Can Be Slow!

Save Time!

Have the computer do the transcribing. With the latest version of V-Note Pro, Just right-click on any segments you’d like to be transcribed and choose “AutoTranscribe.” A few seconds later, you’ll receive your transcripts in V-Note. It even recognizes and labels individual speakers and places timestamps.

Automatically Transcribe!

Now Included Free with V-Note Pro!

  • Transcribe 71 languages
  • Translate to English automatically
  • Choose between faster-for-clear-speech & more-accurate-for-less-clear speech
  • Keep all transcription on your own computer - no uploads
  • Search transcripts
  • Create labeled instances from transcripts
  • Be efficient! Just transcribe desired segments
  • Export transcripts to other programs or print
  • Compare your transcripts to labeled instances (aka codes)
  • Modify or correct manually anything you'd like to change
Notes: Automatic transcription speeds will vary greatly depending on computer hardware. We have found speeds from approximately 0.5X time of video transcribed to 10+X time of video being transcribed. Automatic translation is only available from certain languages to English.
Requires V-Note Pro